速報APP / 生活品味 / Family 360: GPS Locator for your family

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:BH3 ABV-IIITM Gwalior

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family(圖1)-速報App

Family360 - Specially carved for family/social-group needs.

[NOTE: This is not a stalking app or a means of carrying out spying or surreptitious tracking of others.]

This free app allows you to locate people, with their consent, through their mobile phone, and know their location at any time and in real time. To do so, your protegees will need to have the Family360 app installed.

More features are,

Its completely free and lets:

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family(圖2)-速報App

• Create your own circles, whoever matters most and chat with them.

• Find your family on a map

• Share your location with your family.

• Share your journey/travels, and be under the eyes of your group members.

• Share shopping lists with your circle members and strike off items shopped.

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family(圖3)-速報App

• Locate Android Phones on the circle map.

• Use the app according to your need by the "use mode".

• Enjoy a more diverse list of features and benefits than those found on similar apps.

Get estimated arrival time for circle members at your location on the circle map by tapping on where is everyone.

Family360 uses GPS coordinates and state-of-the-art GPS location data to report the real-time spots of your family. No need to send annoying “Where are you?” texts, the Family360 puts this information at your fingertips.

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family(圖4)-速報App

It is a very reliable Cell Phone Tracker. It can pinpoint the location of registered mobile devices, smartphones, all the time. Our GPS Phone Tracker lets you locate Android Phones. You have to only invite your family members and you can start tracking them on your Phone to track any cell phone.

Family 360: GPS Locator for your family(圖5)-速報App